Wim Mutsaers in Zimbabwe

I  want to thank the family Patel for the reception  in the last 2 weeks. We worked hard together to get a much better bag in the production, the quality is 60% higher than 2 weeks ago . I solved a lot of problems but there are still a lot of  things to do.( see to do list) Try to find a fair balance between your workers and the owners of the factory, give them good machines , skills to work much better and train them. Also talk with them and make your organization less bureaucratic. In  2 years  you can be ready for the European market for export. The bags must be 100% by that time. Be proud of your bags  100% handmade in Zimbabwe. We keep in touch this year by mail or whatsApp.

Find a good marketer who can help you, do your homework very good. Do I have the good brand; do I have the right packaging, good website, web shop, etc?

The profit you make every year try to invest in new technology and machines.  Innovation is the key for success.

Wim Mutsaers

Senior expert Pum

The Netherlands

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